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兼任全国动物营养指导委员会羊营养分委会委员、国家粮科院学术委员会委员、国家饲料产业技术创新战略联盟反刍动物专委会常务委员,中国畜牧兽医学会养羊分会、动物微生态分会理事,中国畜牧业协会羊业分会理事,北京科特派(丰宁)肉羊工作站站长,《Animal Nutrition》副主编,《畜牧兽医学报》《动物营养学报》等期刊审稿人,国家自然基金委、北京市基金委项目等评审专家,西北农林科技大学、安徽科技学院、山东临沂大等学校外导师。
长期从事肉羊营养生理与代谢调控、饲料营养价值评价、饲料添加剂研发等方面的研究。研究目标是加深我们对肉羊营养代谢的认识,创新羔羊培育策略,提升饲料配制质量,促进产业可持续发展。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、公益性行业专项、北京市创新团队岗位专家及横向项目等20多项。获北京市科技进步一、二等奖,全国农牧渔业一等奖等科技奖励15项,授权专利13项,主编《现代养羊技术与模式》《羊饲料配方600例》等著作10部,在《Environmental Microbiology》《Animal Nutrition》等期刊发表第一作者及通讯作者论文120篇。
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg1.中国发明协会发明创业成果一等奖(2018,第3);
3. 全国农牧渔业丰收一等奖(2016,第3);
5. 北京市科学技术一等奖(2011年,第3);
3. “羔羊早期断奶和育肥关键技术研究及应用”经农业部科技发展中心成果评价,达到国际先进水平,其中羔羊早期断奶技术达国际领先水平(农科中心(评价)字[2014]第5号)。
1)发明专利:一种促进幼龄反刍动物瘤胃发育的饲料添加剂及其饲粮,ZL 202110572303.0,2022;
2)发明专利:一种促进0-2月龄羔羊组织器官和胃肠道发育的饲养方法,ZL 201510566475.1,2018;
3)发明专利:一种促进哺乳仔猪肠道健康的饲养方法,ZL 201510742431.X,2018;
4)发明专利:一种羔羊用消化代谢实验装置,ZL 201410387533.X,2017;
5)发明专利:具有益生作用的短小芽孢杆菌315及其应用,ZL 201410469105.1,2017;
6)发明专利:一种缩短牧区绵羊羔羊育肥周期的强度育肥饲养方法,ZL 201510641100.7,2017;
7)实用新型:一种湖羊母子圈,ZL 201620080592.7,2016
8)实用新型:瘤胃瘘管试验手术架,ZL 201620449359.1,2017;
9)实用新型:羔羊消化代谢笼[Z]. ZL 201420358190.X, 2014;
10)发明专利:一种用于畜禽养殖业的天然植物饲料添加剂[Z].ZL 200910169699.3,2012;
11)发明专利:一种用杂交构树叶配制的奶牛精饲料[Z]. ZL 200810055946.2. 2011;
12)实用新型:组合式电子牲畜秤[Z]. 201020532957.8,2011;
13)发明专利:一种玉米青贮专用添加剂[Z]. ZL 200410037947.6. 2005。
[1] M. Abdelsattar M,Vargas-Bello-Pérez E, Zhang N*.2022. Age-related changes in blood biochemical composition of Hu sheep[J].Italian Journal of Animal Science, 21(1): 1297-1306. doi:10.1080/1828051X.2022.2108730.
[2] Abdelsattar MM, Rashwan AK,Younes HA, Abdel-Hamid M, Romeih E, Mehanni AE, Vargas-Bello-Pérez E, Chen W, Zhang N*. 2022. An updated andcomprehensive review on the composition and preservation strategies of bovinecolostrum and its contributions to animal health[J]. Animal Feed Science andTechnology, 291: 115379. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2022.115379.
[3] Abdelsattar MM,Vargas-Bello-Pérez E, Zhuang Y, Fu Y, ZhangN*. 2022. Effects of Age and Dietary Factors on the BloodBeta-Hydroxybutyric Acid, Metabolites, Immunoglobulins, and Hormones ofGoats[J]. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8
[4] Abdelsattar MM,Vargas-Bello-Pérez E, Zhuang Y, Fu Y, ZhangN*. 2022. Impact of dietary supplementation of β-hydroxybutyric acid onperformance, nutrient digestibility, organ development and serum stressindicators in early-weaned goat kids[J]. Animal Nutrition, 9: 16-22. doi:10.1016/j.aninu.2021.11.003.
[5] Abdelsattar MM, Zhuang Y, CuiK, Bi Y, Haridy M, Zhang N*. 2022.Longitudinal investigations of anatomical and morphological development of thegastrointestinal tract in goats from colostrum to postweaning[J]. Journal ofDairy Science, 105(3): 2597-2611. doi: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-21056.
[6] Huang W, Cui K, Han Y, Chai J,Wang S, Lv X, Diao Q, Zhang N*.2021. Long term effects of artificial rearing before weaning on the growthperformance, ruminal microbiota and fermentation of fattening lambs[J]. Journalof Integrative Agriculture, 21(4): 1120-1146. doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(21)63763-2.
[7] Abdelsattar M, Zhuang Y, Cui K,Bi Y, Zhang N*. 2021. Predicting theDigestive Tract Development and Growth Performance of Goat Kids Using SigmoidalModels[J]. Animals, 11(3): 757. doi: 10.3390/ani11030757.
[8] Chai J, Lv X, Diao Q, UsdrowskiH, Zhuang Y, Huang W, Cui K, Zhang N*.2021. Solid diet manipulates rumen epithelial microbiota and its interactionswith host transcriptomic in young ruminants[J]. Environmental Microbiology,23(11): 6557-6568. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15757.
[9] Xie B, Huang W, Zhang C, DiaoQ, Cui K, Chai J, Wang S, Lv X, Zhang N*.2020. Influences of starter NDF level on growth performance and rumendevelopment in lambs fed isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets[J]. Journal ofAnimal Science, 98(4): 1-8. doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa093.
[10] Zhuang Y, Chai J, Cui K, Bi Y, Diao Q, Huang W, Usdrowski H, Zhang N*. 2020. Longitudinal Investigationof the Gut Microbiota in Goat Kids from Birth to Postweaning[J].Microorganisms, 8(8): 1111. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081111.
[11] Lv X, Cui K, Qi M, Wang S, Diao Q, Zhang N*. 2020. Ruminal Microbiota and Fermentation in Response toDietary Protein and Energy Levels in Weaned Lambs[J]. Animals, 10(1): 109. doi:10.3390/ani10010109.
[12] Cui K, Qi M, Wang S, Diao Q, ZhangN*. 2019. Dietary energy and protein levels influenced the growthperformance, ruminal morphology and fermentation and microbial diversity oflambs[J]. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 16612. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53279-y.
[13] Wang J, Cui K, Ma T, Zhang F, Wang SQ, Tu Y, Diao QY, Zhang NF*. 2019. Effects of dietarymethionine deficiency followed by replenishment on the growth performance andcarcass characteristics of lambs[J]. Animal Production Science, 59(2): 243.doi: 10.1071/AN16643.
[14] Cui K, Lv X, Diao Q, Zhang N*.2019. Effects of dietary supplementation with <i>Bacillussubtilis</i> and yeast culture on growth performance, nutrientdigestibility, serum indices and faeces microbiota of weaned piglets[J].Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 28(4): 328-336. doi:10.22358/jafs/114238/2019.
[15] Cui K, Wang Q, Wang S, Diao Q, ZhangN*. 2019. The Facilitating Effect of Tartary Buckwheat Flavonoids and Lactobacillusplantarum on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, AntioxidantCapacity, and Fecal Microbiota of Weaned Piglets[J]. Animals, 9(11): 986. doi:10.3390/ani9110986.
[16] Lv X, Chai J, Diao Q, Huang W, Zhuang Y, Zhang N*. 2019. The Signature Microbiota Drive Rumen FunctionShifts in Goat Kids Introduced to Solid Diet Regimes[J]. Microorganisms, 7(11):516. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms7110516.
[17] Chai J, Diao Q, Zhao J, Wang H, Deng K, Qi M, Nie M, Zhang N*. 2018. Effects of rearingsystem on meat quality, fatty acid and amino acid profiles of Hu lambs[J].Animal Science Journal, 89(8): 1178-1186. doi: 10.1111/asj.13013.
[18] Zhang N*. 2018. Role of methionine on epigenetic modification of DNAmethylation and gene expression in animals[J]. Animal Nutrition, 4(1): 11-16.doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2017.08.009.
[19] Chai JM, Ma T, Wang HC, Qi ML, Tu Y, Diao QY, Zhang NF*. 2017. Effect of early weaning age on growth performance,nutrient digestibility, and serum parameters of lambs[J]. Animal ProductionScience, 57(1): 110. doi: 10.1071/AN15079.
[20] Chai JM, Diao QY, Wang HC, ZhangNF*. 2017. Effect of weaning time on growth performance and rumendevelopment of Hu lambs[J]. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 51(3): 423-430.doi: 10.18805/ijar.v0iOF.6822.
[21] Zhang N*, Li H, Jiang C, Tu Y, Diao D. 2017. Effects of lipopolysaccharideon the growth performance, nitrogenmetabolism and immunity in preruminantcalves[J]. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 51(4): 717-721
[22] Chai J, Diao Q, Wang H, Tu Y, Tao X, Zhang N*. 2015. Effects of weaning age on growth, nutrientdigestibility and metabolism, and serum parameters in Hu lambs[J]. AnimalNutrition, 1(4): 344-348. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aninu.2015.11.007.
[23] Zhang N*. 2015. Epigenetic modulation of DNA methylation by nutrition andits mechanisms in animals[J]. Animal Nutrition, 1(3): 144-151. doi:10.1016/j.aninu.2015.09.002.
[24] Zhang NF*, Li H, Tu Y, Jiang CG, Diao QY. 2013. The influence ofimmunological stress on the limiting sequence and ratio of lysine, methionineand threonine in preruminant calves[J]. Journal of Animal Science, 91(E-Suppl.2): 450
1) 现代养羊技术与模式,中国农业科学技术出版社,76万字,2021,主编
2) 羔羊早期断奶与高效育肥技术,科学出版社,22.4万字,2020,主编
3) 仔猪无抗饲料与饲养新策略,中国农业科学技术出版社,19.4万字,2020,主编
4) 南方地区经济作物副产物饲料化利用技术,中国农业科学技术出版社,22万字,2017,主编;
5) 南方地区草食畜禽轻简化实用技术100例,中国农业科学技术出版社,26万字,2016,主编;
6) 南方地区幼龄草食畜禽饲养技术研究进展,中国农业科学技术出版社,74.2万字,2017,主编;
7) 新编羊饲料配方600例(第二版),化学工业出版社,25.2万字,2017,主编
8) 猪饲料调制加工与配方集萃,中国农业科学技术出版社,29.5万字,2013,主编。
9) 新编肉羊饲料配方600例,化学工业出版社,31.8万字,2009,主编;
10) 羔羊早期断奶新招,中国农业科技出版社,13.8万字,2006.主编。